Share & Certificate Rates
Share Rates
Type |
Balance |
Annual Percentage Rate |
Annual Percentage Yield |
Minimum Deposit |
Regular |
$0.01 and up |
0.05% |
0.05% |
$10.00 |
0.10% |
0.10% |
Holiday |
0.05% |
0.05% |
Special Savings |
0.05% |
0.05% |
Certificate Rates
Regular and IRA |
Min. Opening Deposit |
$1,000.00 |
Dividends Compounded |
Monthly |
Dividends Credited |
Monthly |
Dividends Period |
Calendar Month |
Minimum |
6 Months |
$1,000.00 |
2.96% |
3.00% |
12 Months |
$1,000.00 |
2.91% |
2.95% |
24 Months |
$1,000.00 |
2.47% |
2.50% |
36 Months |
$1,000.00 |
2.47% |
2.50% |
48 Months |
$1,000.00 |
2.47% |
2.50% |
*26 Month “Head of the Class” |
$1,000.00 |
2.47% |
2.50% |
Additional Deposits |
Not Allowed |
Withdrawals |
Allowed With Penalty |
Renewable |
Automatic |
*Allows one dividend rate increase during the term.
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